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Reparatie Diensten

Repair Services

To find your Unit CLICK HERE 

Is your unit not in the list? contact us!

Within 3 days
Fixed prices
Cause of defect
1 Year warranty!

Carmo electronics is able to repair a defective ignition and injection system very accurate and reliable. You only have to send your ignition/injection system to our company. Carmo electronics has developed a very unique simulation protocol to generate every possible kind of signal your motorcycle may generate. Repair is executed with high-grade parts and guarantees maximum reliability. Repaired units are finished with a very strong and durable coating that protects electronic parts for the influence of extreme weather circumstances.

The main benefit of repairing a unit in contrast with buying a more expensive new one, is the indication of the possible cause of defect. Even if the malfunction is not in the ignition/injection unit, but elsewhere in the electronic system. This information is supplied totally free of charge together with the repaired ignition unit.

Example repair videos (YouTube):

- Kawasaki ER5 YouTube
- Ducati 16M ECU YouTube
- Yamaha XV700/XV750 Virago YouTube
- Suzuki GSX1400 ECU YouTube
- Suzuki GSXR750 sacs YouTube

Ones repaired

We can also repair your motorbike display (tacho/ rpm-meter/ multifunction meter).
The main advantage of repair is that your total counter stays the same.
Another advantage is that we can tell you the cause of defect. With that knowledge you can prevent that the unit goes defect again after mounting. The cause could be a defect voltage regulator for example.

Example repair videos (YouTube):

- Honda CBR929RR fireblade ecu display YouTube

Motorbike display tacho repair