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Navigator TXTs for PC D07210

Navigator TXTs for PC D07210

Navigator TXC + Car Light for PC OBD

Beschikbaarheid: Niet op voorraad
€ 2.783,00 € 2.300,00

NAVIGATOR TXC is an advanced diagnostics interface for running autodiagnostics tests and displaying engineering
parameters and system status, activating components and performing settings and configurations, including resetting
maintenance, service and airbag indicator lights, configuring electronic control units, keys and keyless remotes. It
connects via Bluetooth to AXONE 4, AXONE 4 Mini, MULTI PEGASO or to a stand-alone PC. NAVIGATOR TXC is the
result of TEXA’s ongoing commitment to finding solutions that can simplify the work of automotive technicians and
ensure highly practical use.
NAVIGATOR TXC is compatible with the PASS-THRU protocol*, which allows any workshop to connect to each
manufacturer’s central server and download software packages or official technical information. The PASS-THRU
function can be used whenever needing to update the software on one or more electronic control units, in the event
of malfunctions.

* Go to www.texa.com/passthru to verify compatibility and the functions made available by individual vehicle makers.

Texa IDC3 plus

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