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Vanwege onze lokale vakantie zijn we de hele dag gesloten op maandag 3 en dinsdag 4 maart. Bestellingen worden verzonden op woensdag 5 maart.
HT11 - 12V TCI ignition coil

HT11 - 12V TCI ignition coil

HT13 - CDI ignition coil

HT13 - CDI ignition coil

HT12 - 12V TCI Ignition coil

Beschikbaarheid: Op voorraad
€ 35,70 € 29,50

Improved high quality 12V ignition coil with right-angle plug cap fitted with 5k Ohm suppression
1 Year full warranty

This is a improved, high quality, 12V TCI Ignition coil.
Hole spacing is 80mm
It has a 5 kOhm 'R' spark plug cap (anti-interference)
Length of the wire is 450mm (can be shortened)

- Primair resistance 4,5 Ohm
- Secundair resistance 13,7 kOhm

universele verbeterde motorfiets bobine met ontstoorde bougiedop

HT12 Zundspule bobine ignitioncoil 12V TCI



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