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Vanwege onze lokale vakantie zijn we de hele dag gesloten op maandag 3 en dinsdag 4 maart. Bestellingen worden verzonden op woensdag 5 maart.
Gilera GP800 ECU ECM CDI black box computer brain IAW-59M IAW-5AM

Gilera GP800 ECU ECM CDI black box computer brain IAW-5AM

Honda CB550 CB650 Nighthawk igniter ignition module CDI TCI Box AKBZ16

Honda CB550 CB650 Nighthawk igniter ignition module CDI TCI Box AKBZ16

Grizzly 660

Beschikbaarheid: Niet op voorraad
€ 235,95 € 195,00




This a redesigned CDI unit of the Yamaha Grizzly 660. This unit is provided with our best re-mapped built-in timing curve. This adds more horsepower to your machine.

The CDI unit also increases 1,000 RPM over the stock, from 7,600RPM to 8,000RPM. This allows you to get more power out of the quad.

3 Year warranty



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