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Vanwege onze lokale vakantie zijn we de hele dag gesloten op maandag 3 en dinsdag 4 maart. Bestellingen worden verzonden op woensdag 5 maart.
Stator Kit - STK-025

Stator Kit - STK-025

Stator Kit - STK-044 Yamaha RD350 YPVS

Stator Kit - STK-044 Yamaha RD350 YPVS

Stator Kit - STK-040

Beschikbaarheid: Niet op voorraad
€ 496,10 € 410,00

Internal Rotor

- Ignition only high performance system for 2 cylinder 2 stroke motorcycles with firing angle of 180 degrees. No battery required eliminating charging problems as well as being lighter
- Has specific advance curve for maximum performance.
- System is lightweight and the rotor (418gms) has low inertia for rapid acceleration.
- Totally reliable, race proven.


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